Taylor Harris Braswell

Taylor Harris Braswell

Postdoctoral Scholar



Taylor Harris Braswell is a Postdoctoral Scholar in Urban and Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In Fall 2025, he will join the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University as an Assistant Professor of Sociology. He draws on insights from environmental, urban, rural, and political sociology to investigate spatial inequality and spatial justice. Using both comparative historical methods and spatial data science tools, his research examines how urbanization and energy policy intersect to shape who bears the disproportionate environment justice burdens of energy systems in the United States, as well as how the spatial organization of existing energy governance institutions creates openings for a democratic, sustainable energy transition.

Taylor’s research has been published in journals such as Social Forces, Urban Geography, the Journal of Urban Affairs, Agriculture and Human Values, and the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

You can view Taylor’s CV here.


email: braswell.t@northeastern.edu

Twitter: @tbraz0

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/taylor-braswell-a2753721

Allie Mullin Photography | www.alliemullin.com